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Here’s what to expect in my new monthly Substack newsletter

Beginning in February, 2024

Each month I will share my reflections on the current gender landscape and tell you about what’s been going on in my world as a therapist specializing in gender dysphoria.

Each free newsletter contains 6 sections.

  1. What’s on my mind…

    Every day, week, and month that passes gives me new opportunities to reflect on how “gender” shows up in the therapy room, in consultation calls, and in the broader culture. I’ll share what I’ve been thinking about, what’s caught my attention, or what’s weighing on my heart.

  2. What’s on my radar…

    I’ll discuss upcoming projects, media appearances, conferences, parent events, and ways that things are moving forward in “gender news.”

  3. What’s new in my Parent Membership Group (SubscribeStar)…

    Here I’ll update you about the topics and Q+As that I’ve been covering in my private Parent Membership group. I’ll also announce interesting discussions that may be coming up in the near future (interviews, topic videos for parents, etc).

  4. What’s on my nightstand, in my headphones, or on my TV…

    Even if it’s completely unrelated to “gender” issues, I’ll share what I’ve been consuming - I watch a lot of YouTube, read a lot of books, and listen to an embarrassing amount of podcasts. Sadly, I tend to find connections back to the topic of gender, even with seemingly-unrelated phenomena, but I’ll try to give you a break from gender sometimes, too!

  5. What’s on our podcast…

    Gender: A Wider Lens releases weekly episodes, so here I’ll recap what Stella and I have been talking about on the show.

  6. What’s one thing to try…

    I’ll suggest one tangible practice. A tip. A meaningful action. A small step you can take to improve relationships in your family, or help your child develop greater resilience, flexibility, and stability.

Click Here to Join

If you don’t want to miss any of these monthly updates, please subscribe! This way the newsletter goes directly to your inbox every time I post.

I plan to release this newsletter on the first Tuesday of every month, beginning on February 6th 

If you find this newsletter meaningful, please consider becoming a paid subscriber so you can engage in the comment section and support my work.

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